What you need to know

Event Info 2024

Safety First

The team behind the Dirty Warrny pride themselves on delivering exceptional and unforgettable events and the Dirty Warrny is no exception.

The safety and wellbeing of our riders, volunteers and workforce is paramount.

Support will be provided to riders at various check point locations along both routes. The support services provided will have medical assistance, mechanical support, hydration station and snacks. Additionally roving medical and support marshals will be available across all course distances.

We will be requiring all riders to self-support themselves for punctures and easy-fix mechanical mishaps as there could be wait times for a SRAM support marshal to reach you.

Rules & Support

The full Dirty Warrny (DW) ride, the Forrest ride, and the Timboon ride will be conducted on open roads and as such riders MUST adhere to normal road regulations except at Dirty Warrny traffic-controlled points where marshals may be directing participants specifically.

All course options will be we marked with directional arrows and signage and have traffic management or marshals at most high traffic intersections.

Please follow any instructions given from a DW offical.

— This is a self-supported ride and riders are expected to bring appropriate clothing, food & spares.

— Feed stations will service basic needs such as water and snacks.

— Lights are recommended for all competitors given the early start and late finish of the rides.

— It is recommended that all riders download course maps to Garmin, Wahoo, Hammerhead, Bryton AND carry a mobile phone with course map loaded.

Event Start Times


Geelong (Mount Moriac Recreation Reserve) – Warrnambool

Saturday 9th November, 2024
Start Time: 6:30am

Registration (Mount Moriac Recreation Reserve)
Fri 8th November 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Sat 10th November 4:30am

Ride starts at Mount Moriac Recreation Reserve

805 Reservoir Road, Moriac 3240

Overnight parking, coffee and breakfast available on site


Forrest – Warrnambool

Saturday 9th November, 2024
Start Time: 8:30am

Registration (Mount Moriac Recreation Reserve)
Fri 10 November 2:00pm to 6:00pm

Registration (Forrest Caravan Park)
Sat 9th November 6:00am

Ride starts at Forrest Caravan Park

Forrest Caravan Park,
1 Station St, Forrest VIC 3236

Overnight parking available on site. Coffee and breakfast available from Forrest General Store.


Timboon – Warrnambool

Saturday 9th November, 2024
Start Time: 9:30am

Registration (Mount Moriac Recreation Reserve)
Fri 10 November 2:00pm to 6:00pm

Registration (Timboon & District Senior Citizens Centre – Car Park)
Sat 9th November 7:30am

Ride starts at Timboon & District Senior Citizens Centre.

15 Snake Track Rd,
Timboon 3268

Overnight parking, coffee and breakfast provisions available in Timboon township.

Event timing

For those who like to challenge themselves against the clock the event will be timed and awards presented to best time overall within each category.

There will also be intermediate sectors timed so if you are not in the hunt for the overall best time you still have an opportunity to have the best time in a particular sector.

Cut Off Times

For the safety of all participants and volunteers there will be strict cut-off times implemented.

If you haven’t reached the following Feed Stations before the nominated time you will be asked to take our uplift service to bunny hop some sections (of course your time will be adjusted accordingly) or withdraw from the event.

Cut off times are in review and to be confirmed:


Deans Marsh – 10:00am

Forrest – 12:30pm

Simpson – 4:00pm

Timboon – 6:00pm

Finish – 8:30pm (last light)

Feed Stations & Bag Drop Off's

There will be eight check points along the route, four of these will be water stations only and the other four will offer a variety of snacks as well as water and SiS Hydration products.

Forrest and Timboon will also be the location for any personal bag drop offs.

The start area will have clearly marked drop off points for you to have a bag of personal items taken to Feed Station 1, 2, 3 and 4.

These bags must be clearly numbered and will be placed in number order on tables at the feed stations.

Bags will be available for collection in the Finish Village post event.


Finish Village Bag Concierge

A bag transfer service will be offered for each ride option, we will transport an overnight bag from your start location to the finish, so you make a weekend of it and stay overnight and enjoy the finish village festivities.

Water Station #1
Wensleydale – 34.9km
Water Only

Feed Station #1Personal Bag Drop Off #1
Deans Marsh – 64.7km
Snacks, SiS Hydration, Water, Medical, Bag Drop

Water Station #2
Mt Cowley – 88.5km
Water Only

Feed Station #2Personal Bag Drop Off #2
Forrest 111.2km
Snacks, SiS Hydration, Water, Medical, Bag Drop

Water Station #3
Black Bridge Road – 138.3km
Water Only

Feed Station #3Personal Bag Drop Off #3
Simpson – 166.7km
Snacks, SiS Hydration, Water, Medical, Bag Drop

Feed Station #4Personal Bag Drop Off #4
Timboon 200.1km
Snacks, SiS Hydration, Water, Medical, Bag Drop

Water Station #4
Mepunga 225.9km
Water Only

Finish Village
Variety of food and drink options available.

Event Regulations

  • You must finish on the bike you start on
  • No outside support, except at the aid stations
  • Wheel changes are permitted
  • Outside support at the aid stations, i.e. soigneurs handing bottles, cleaning bikes is permitted
  • Obey road rules, roads are open to public traffic
  • No modification of ride number plates, riders with modified plates will not be allowed to start
  • Must wear a helmet with AUS approved safety standards
  • Riders deviating from course will be disqualified


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Title Partner
Major Partners
Event Partners
Event Supporters
Event Contact - Karin Jones
M: +61 408 375 238
E: karin@ksjevents.com.au

Partnership Opportunities - Aaron Lee
M: +61 419 566 655
E: aaron@caramelcreative.com

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